DIN or Director Identification Number is a unique number allotted by the Central Government. It is allotted only to people who are intending to be the director of a company or an LLP. It is an eight digit number which has lifetime validity. The details of the directors are maintained in a database with the DIN acting as a reference number. This number has lifetime validity. The DIN, as the name suggests, is unique to every person. Hence, two directors of the same company will have two different DINs. The most useful feature of a DIN is that it never changes. This means that a person’s DIN would remain the same. Even if the director changes his companies, the DIN would not change. Evidently, this is an important document. Hence it is important to know the documents required for DIN.

Documents required for DIN

List of Documents required for DIN

Proof of identity of applicant:

  • Indian nationals require PAN card. Any director who is an Indian National has to compulsorily produce his PAN card. It is a mandatory requirement for proof of identity.
  • Foreign nationals require passport. Similar to the requirement of PAN card for Indian Nationals, Foreign Nationals who intend on being a director of an Indian Company or LLP have to mandatorily produce their passport.

The applicable proof of identity produced should contain the date of birth of the applicant. The date of birth specified in the identity proof should match the date of birth filled in the application form. If the produced document does not feature the Date of Birth of the applicant, then additional proof is required. The additional proof thus attached must be duly certified/ attested.

Documents required for DIN

Proof of residence of applicant:

For Address proof, documents that can be attached are: passport, election/voter identity card, ration card, driving license, electricity bill, telephone bill or aadhaar card. These documents must be in the name of applicant.

  • In case of Indian applicant, documents should not be older than 2 months from the date of filing of the eForm.
  • In case of foreign applicant, address proof should not be older than 1 year from the date of filing of the eForm.

If the proofs attached are in languages other than Hindi or English, they should be translated in Hindi or English from professional translator carrying his details (name, signature, address) and seal.

For foreign nationals, the translation done by the notary of home country is also acceptable.   

Any other information can be provided as an optional attachment(s).

Documents required for DIN


The DIN is a necessary document for any person who would fill in the position of a director. It also serves as a useful device for the government and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to keep track of all directors through their DIN. If you are looking to obtain your own Din, reach out to us at Registration Arena. We help you with filing the documents required for DIN, obtaining DIN as well as incorporating your own business.